Beach OBAXess Landing Craft Service to Duck Beachheads

Making the best of a bad situation has long been a trait valued by residents of the Outer Banks, and a new local business is doing just that. OBAXess noticed that the local demand for admittance to the public beaches in Duck had long been stymied by the lack of any beach access points that would allow locals to use the beaches that they help to pay for. Luckily, Grayson “Gray” Dough-Umphlett happened to be in possession of several aquatic landing craft left over from World War II that had been slowly decaying in a shipyard in Newport News.

Gray states: “Well, if you can’t get to the beach by land, I figure your only options are by air or by sea. I don’t own any helicopters, but I been trying to find some use for those old war surplus landing craft for years. It’s a win-win, as far as I’m concerned. I can plop the locals right down on the beach, and there ain’t nothin’ those homeowners associations can do about it.”

Dough-Umphlett is quick to point out, though, that he welcomes tourists as well: “Far as I’m concerned, the more rowdy teenagers, tattooed hipsters, and screaming kids we dump on Duck beaches, the better.”

Service from the Southern Shores Hillcrest Drive beach access is available seven days a week, approximately every hour on the hour from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Fares are $8/person or $35 for a family or other group of five.

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